is the software-development organization behind A brief discription of some of our proposed
projects can be found here. This page contains
the links to actual, current projects. All projects
are open source, with GPL-compatible licenses.
- Combo Community website kit
- The code that runs the PenguinSong websites,
among others. The web-server side of what you need to run an online
community website.
- SHAWM Simple Home Audio Workstation for Musicians
(Finalist in Embedded Linux Journal's
Third Contest.)
- What does a musician or music-lover do with a Linux-based set-top box
or other small system?
Anything they want! It's network-connected, totally silent,
expandable, and drives some really cheap heads-up displays.
Each project directory is a direct web view of the project's source tree.
In other words, the source tree is the project's website. WebDAV
is enabled (read-only), so perhaps the easiest way to browse a project
tree is using a DAV-enabled file manager like Nautilus.
$Id: index.html,v 1.4 2003/07/01 15:26:06 steve Exp $